The Real Question Is Why?


Dollarphotoclub_59629773-300x200Dollarphotoclub_49382726-300x200Dollarphotoclub_72849611-300x200Dollarphotoclub_36400169-300x199content-300x300 DO NOT JUDGE.

Rule #1 in life is DO NOT JUDGE.  When someone judges someone else, there is nothing positive that can come out of it and it’s all about ego.  The “Judger” needs to tear someone down to make themselves feel better.  And remember, ego is insecurity, NOT confidence. The damage caused by judging can be irreparable.  The worst of the worst is when the “Judgers” claim to be “Christians.”  And to use the drama as a juicy piece of gossip is just plain evil.  A lot of people look pretty good according to societal standards with their educations, jobs, and social standing.  They waltz through life with their superior genetics damning the less fortunate. They gloat over their Eagle Scout sons and Junior League daughters.  They will pay for this.  I have no doubt.  And yes, I’m judging them.  And I’m not quite sure what to do with this.  I’m just being honest.

So, Lesson #1 is the age-old, unanswered question of “Nature vs. Nuture” or “Genetics vs. Environment”.  The saying “Genetics loads the gun and environment pulls the trigger” is right on.  When you put the wrong genetics in the wrong environment, you can predict almost 100% what the outcome will be.  And it’s obvious to see how the wrong genetics are almost always going to be in the wrong environment.  I have noticed situations where an adopted child has gone astray while the biological children became Eagle Scouts and Junior League members.  The point is: DO NOT JUDGE.  It serves no purpose.  We are supposed to love each other.  Of course this has to be done with boundaries and no matter what people are responsible for themselves, but no one ever gets better being judged and mistreated.  No one.

Why is that person behaving that way?  Why?  I looked at some situations I was familiar with and the answers came quickly and easily.  A girl in my high school class was a total slut.  And she was also the most beautiful girl in the entire school.  Why would she treat herself like that?  The answer is that when she was six years old, two 16 year old teenage, neighbor boys molested her.  Her older sister (who was eight), told her it was all her fault.  When it happened, two of their cousins, about the same ages, were at her house playing and they  joined in on the abuse.  She was victimized twice…but it didn’t stop there.  Now that she was wearing a cloak of shame she wouldn’t tell anyone.  But her sister told her parents and she ended up being victimized a third time because they did NOTHING.  Why?, because it wouldn’t look good, it would stir the hornets’ nest, the boys’ families were prominent, blah blah blah blah. So the little girl grew up and when she reached adolescence she became a slut.  She also became an alcoholic and drug addict and had two illegitimate children.  She almost lost her life, but for the grace of God she got clean and sober and ran with it.  Now she works with disturbed teens.  But, it doesn’t always end this way 🙁   In reality, it usually doesn’t.

Another girl in my school was wild, loud, and obnoxious.  Long story short, the negative attention she received from her behavior was better than no attention at all which was what she got at home. NONE.  Her parents had completely forgotten about her because her brother went astray.  She actually strayed farther than he did, but they didn’t notice.  Sad.  I’m not sure how she ended up.

Mental Illness = Easy Targets.  This is where it gets really sick. To laugh at and/or mistreat someone with a mental illness is one of the meanest and cruelest things someone can do. Paranoid schizophrenia  is ruthless.  It tortures a mad person into more madness.  It is relentless, it is evil, and it ruins lives. Most people with this disease have miserable lives and many commit suicide.  The ones who do go on medication have to deal with horrible side-effects.  They cannot work, they cannot sleep, they tend to have other illnesses like OCD and even bi-polar disorder (as if they didn’t have enough to deal with already).  No one would choose this.  No one.  Think about it.

As people, it is impossible for us not to affect each other. Compassion goes a long way.  It doesn’t mean someone with issues isn’t responsible for their behavior and shouldn’t be held accountable.  It means that we should treat all people with dignity and respect, even if we don’t respect them.  We are ALL God’s children and He doesn’t love some of us more than others. Psychiatric wards, hospitals, and law enforcement have a long way to go in this area.  This is exceptionally sick because they know what the problem is and they STILL mistreat these people.  Unthinkable.  I encourage people to study mental illness.  It is fascinating.

Brain chemistry is huge.  It controls most people.  The “Judgers” I have had experience with have been ignorant, which is typical. They couldn’t tell you one thing about the brain.  Theyre just another opinion. And you know what they say, “Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.”  So for now, I am going to work on my judgment towards the judgmental people and loving all of humanity.  After all, spirituality is impossible while judging,  so ultimately, everyone involved pays a high price.  Is it worth it to you?

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